Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sometimes, Secrets do make Friends

I want to tell you a little secret: I don't have it all planned out.

I don't have a perfected project to launch, I don't have a prototype ready for production, and I don't have a notepad filled with dated, achievable goals for this blog. Yet.

But I want to narrow down what it is I plan to do here:
  • Find and connect with people who want to change things at their job or in business, but don't have direction (or, more likely, don't have the courage to overcome the fear)
  • Build and lead a community of people who are willing to stand up and set themselves apart from the status quo
  • Not only start, but finish projects, and help others do the same
If working your day job, and climbing to corporate, and getting a grade, and being content with average is you thing, you're not going to get much here. But I hope you will consider the Dave Ramsey quote that has inspired millions to achieve their goals: "If you will live like no one else, you can live like no one else."

If you don't fit the earlier description, and you are looking for a way out of average, welcome to the club.

Tomorrow, I'll go a little deeper to describe the person I'm working to provide value for. I hope it's you.

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